Golf Swing Tips

Use these free golf swing tips and lower your scores.  We've then narrowed it down to a group of golf swing tips and articles that can make big improvements to your game.  With these tips you should be able to achieve a single figure golf handicap.   

Golf Swing Tip 1:
Be relaxed and take your mind off everything else before playing golf. Distractions will lower your performance because you will not be able to concentrate.

Golf Swing Tip 2: Before taking the shot, taking your time by using a few practice swings can help you get a feel of the shot.

Golf Swing Tip 3: Make sure there is no tension in your arm and swing in a gliding motion while balanced. Your grip should be either interlocking or overlapping - whichever feels more comfortable for you (it can make a huge difference to your game). Your posture should also be comfortable but you should avoid slouching and keep your chin behind the ball at all times with your back slightly bent but straight.

Getting The Perfect Golf Swing

There are a lot of places to get golf swing tips, golf game tips and golf instruction so that when you do have time to hit the course, you'll have a plan in mind. Most people choose a personal trainer but they can be expensive and other people prefer to learn in their own time.

To enjoy longer straighter drives and perfect golf swings, we recommend checking out the Simple Golf Swing guide.